Triton is an American military officer who’s been serving in the war in Iraq. He’s recently been discharged from service for defying orders in a hostage rescue mission. Triton is back home and struggling to adjust to normal life when more troubles unravel for him. Suddenly, he’s thrust back into the heat of battle after a bunch of thugs kidnap his wife, Kate. She’s in peril and he must rescue her by all means.
In The Marine, former WWE superstar, John Cena, plays Triton. Besides the fairly predictable kidnap-rescue plot, over-the-top explosions and fight scenes characteristic of a typical action-thriller, there’s not much to write home about this 2006 blockbuster, except for the fact that the film marked Cena’s debut into the Hollywood movie arena.
John Cena has since starred in a couple of dozen projects that have elevated him to become an iconic Hollywood entertainer. His propulsion, however, might be coming at a cost. For some reason, his style has taken a freakish trend! On several occasions, he’s been snapped on set dressed like a woman! That’s not only awkward, but it’s so unlike the previously sober Cena that was once a charmer for many during his heyday in the ring.

As if that wasn’t bizarre enough, he shows up naked to present an award at the recent 2024 Oscars before a bewildered audience. The scandalous episode sent many into a frenzy of speculation about what was going on. Coming to his defense, fans of his argued he was only being playful. On the other end of the spectrum, though, the gimmick may have been a rite of passage for the star.
The global entertainment industry isn’t particularly new to controversy in the matter of suspected ritualistic practices. When, for instance, comedian Kevin Hart appeared on SNL (the American TV show) back in 2013 wearing a dress, it altered the perception of many towards him. Those that previously considered him funny now thought he was weird. The strange correlation between cross-dressing and promotion becomes apparent when you discover that Kevin Hart consequently landed a significant number of juicy roles on big-budget projects like Central Intelligence, Jumanji and more; and he even signed a mega deal with Nickelodeon through his Hartbeat Productions to develop and produce kids’ content for the network. That’s not to say he wasn’t doing well before then. It just seemed like many great doors swung open for him soon after.

For long, Hollywood has been a powerful agenda-driven machine that uses film as an avenue for disseminating propaganda and creepy narratives to a largely unsuspecting worldwide audience. When actors play serial killers, pedophiles, or portray indecency and sexual perversion, chances are high that it’s much more than just entertainment you’re dealing with. It’s often that they’re subtly indulging you in a paradigm of what, in their view, an ideal society should be like. Or it’s possibly an occasion to usher a film star to the next level in their trade. Perhaps both!
Additionally, Hollywood is dotted with a large number of influential secret societies that are deeply rooted in dark spirituality. They comprise many A-list entertainers who sometimes perfectly blend into society with nothing to arouse suspicion of their sinister allegiances. Of the known Hollywood secret societies, besides the shadowy Illuminati, perhaps none sticks out more than the Scientology.

The religion is based on the belief that humans are immortal spiritual beings with unlimited capabilities. That makes sense. But they’ve got many eccentricities by which members are required to abide. Remitting large sums of money to the organization, or church, as they call it, when one transgresses, is probably the least of the strange rules.
They believe everybody is responsible for the current state of their life—yes, that includes a one-year old! Scientology offers sessions called audits in which practitioners are helped to attain a clear (spiritual) state and increase their spiritual abilities. However, the info gathered in this session is important for blackmail against ex-members that divulge the secrets of the society! Critics, also known as Suppressive Persons, are also candidates for blackmail.
Former Hollywood film producer, Harvey Weinstein, of The Weinstein Company possibly set himself up as a target of angry scientologists back in 2012 for the portrayal of the scientology founder Ron Hubbard in the drama, The Master. The film is basically about a cult leader who creates a new religion and invites some troubled fella to help him spread the new faith. Controversially, the film’s release date also coincided with a major wave of media coverage of the high-profile divorce between devout scientologist Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes.

Suddenly, in 2017, the lid was blown off Weinstein’s conduct, or misconduct for that matter, when dozens of women in the film industry came forward alleging they had been sexually assaulted by him. This reportedly occurred over a period of thirty years! His eventual conviction in 2020 and 2022 means he’ll be about 111 years old when he next experiences life outside bars—if he ever does! Whether or not the scientologists had a hand in his woes is arguable, but Weinstein’s conviction conveniently opened a whole other nasty can of worms as if to corroborate how really deep the rot runs! Imagine: if a senior studio Executive can be caught pants down, how much more sleazy is Hollywood’s rank and file!?
Unquestionably, his conviction underscored the industry’s long-standing issue of the casting couch; whereby film producers demand for sex from starlets in exchange for job opportunities and big roles. Also, think of the contract clauses that say you’re property of the production house and you do their bidding on the drop of a dime! Generally, you either compromise your morals or you quite literally try your talents elsewhere! Who knows how many such cases are swept under the rug; after all, the people that run the business are powerful!
Whereas his allegiances aren’t clear yet, John Cena’s bizarre stunt certainly bears the hallmarks of an occultic ritual. Scientology, illuminati, TFI or whichever; it’s not entirely outrageous to think that he’s bowing somewhere. It can only be left to the imagination what other outlandish instructions he’ll be receiving from his paymasters! Overall, Hollywood, to a great extent, is dominated by high-level demonic entities that control the psych of men! If that doesn’t give proper context to the genesis of these gimmicks, I don’t know what does.
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