Welcome to the magical land of Uganda, where the Nile River flows gracefully, the sun shines brighter than the smiles of the kleptomaniacs that occupy its public offices, and where politicians have an oddly unique way of keeping the citizens entertained. Uganda is truly the land of endless possibilities: one of which is not a good and reliable internet connection, or a pothole and dust-free city road! Also, don’t get too carried away by the country’s motto: “For God and my Country”, cos, every so often, it conveniently switches to For God and my Stomach! And that, right there, is how things like iron sheets intended for the vulnerable communities, disappear.

In this beautiful and bountiful land lives a Speaker of Parliament whose name is Anita Annet Among. Speaker Anita is widely known: foremost, for her steadfast commitment to practicing amateur dermatology, which often gives her an almost ghostly glow! However, that wouldn’t be such a big deal if she wasn’t also famous for her penchant for the finer things of life; her sophisticated sense of fashion and lavish public spending that would make even Marie Antoinette blush.

Rte. Hon. Speaker Anita Annet Among. [Internet photo]

But more recently, she’s been in the limelight for some sheety stuff! Quite literally! Remember the twisted version of Uganda’s motto? Well, turns out the Speaker’s stomach was implicated in the alleged misappropriation—mild alternative for ‘theft’—of iron sheets that had been assigned to the desperately impoverished people in Karamoja, North-Eastern Uganda!

The nasty scandal began to unravel in early 2023, and a number of prominent politicians were known to have been involved. Yet, still, hardly any significant action was taken against most of the culprits. As expected with Uganda’s wild political landscape, between then and now, there have been many plot twists, betrayals, and the emergence of unexpected antagonists—the latest being the United Kingdom. The UK decided to participate in our soap opera by slapping sanctions on the Speaker of Parliament and two other ex-ministers. Straight away, without getting into the intricate details, that essentially means Ms. Anita will likely experience a significant bit of headache shopping her exquisite thousand-pound-sterling outfits from London!

The Speaker has been in the spotlight, locally, for her sophisticated high-end fashion sense, which many perceive is at the expense of the taxpayers.

Since the April 30th sanctions, Uganda, a beacon of democracy and sovereignty, has been left scratching its head over the UK’s decision to dip its snout in the internal affairs of its former colony. After all, what’s a little corruption among associates? Moreover, it’s one of our favorite hobbies over here, right up there next to watching English football. The Ugandan government has urged Britain to respect its sovereignty, but then we all know that respect is earned, not dished out. So, let’s raise a toast to the UK for mastering the audacity to meddle in the affairs of others while claiming to uphold the principles of justice.

Plot twist: UK Deputy Foreign Secretary, Andrew Mitchell, announced the sanctions exactly a year after the Speaker presided over the deeply controversial Anti-Homosexuality bill! The Ugandan parliament had, in May 2023, effected the law prescribing tough prison sentences for individuals who, under the pretext of love, use their biological plumbing apparatus for activities other than what they were naturally designed for: a move that some Western countries, including Britain, didn’t particularly find impressive.

Andrew Mitchell, British Minister of State for Development and Africa, and Deputy Foreign Secretary. He occasionally uses the middle finger to scratch his eye. [Photo: Getty Images]

Whereas the UK’s buffet of sanctions may have been a response to corruption, let’s not forget the anti-gay undertones as a possible inspiration too. And, so, expectedly, the Ugandan government has accused the UK of whipping out the corruption card and using it as a smokescreen to conceal its real motive: punishing the Speaker of Parliament for her stance on the Anti-Homosexuality Act.

As diplomatic tensions rise between the two nations, we’re left wondering whether the UK will eventually invite the Ugandan government to talk through the matter at a good-old English tea party, complete with delightfully baked cream and jam scones; or maybe—just maybe—Uganda will invite the UK government to a rolex fest at State House, Entebbe, where they’ll have a polite conversation and tactfully resolve their differences!

From a citizen’s standpoint, though, should the piping hot dish of sanctions fail to yield their worth in serving justice to the Ugandan taxpayers, at least we’ll have received a little bit of recompense in glee and endless bouts of laughter. Remember, in this wacky world of international politics, there’s never a shortage of drama and sources of amusement. So, the next time you hear about another barrage of sanctions making landfall, don’t fret; just grab yourself a well-seasoned pack of popcorn, sit back and enjoy the show.

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