On the afternoon of 16th November 2018, while in my bedroom, I had one of the most bizarre experiences of my life. It’s rather difficult to say whether or not this transpired in a dream. It so happened that I was taken to a place I somehow knew was in South America. During my visit, the year was around the early 1500s! I don’t know how I knew this.

In this involuntary encounter, I found myself in a valley surrounded by a horde of soldiers dressed in 16th century military fatigue. I’m not sure how I was able to tell they were 16th century. Again, I just knew! Even while I was in the midst of them and conspicuously an odd man out, these servicemen were dead focused on their mission, they didn’t pay attention to me. Not for half a second! At the time I arrived, they were on standby to launch a preemptive assault on an enemy that I didn’t know. I merely perceived that’s what their plan was.

One of the most outstanding things I remember was repeatedly hearing the words ‘Cortez’ and ‘Mexico’. This is the first time, ever, I’m hearing ‘Cortez’. I’ve got absolutely no clue what that is. However, I obviously know the other word and that’s how I discovered that this valley we’re in is likely in or near Mexico. I also sensed that there was a border crossing of sorts close by.

Eventually, the attack was launched and a great battle raged in that valley. Even though I was there for only a short while, I remember the clash between the two armies lasted 3 months.

When I returned to my wakeful state in normal time, or in the real world if you like, I was curious enough to want to make some good sense of this odd phenomenon. So, I picked up my tab and punched into Google the two words that had got ingrained in my memory: ‘Cortez, Mexico’.

It was here I learnt that Cortés (correct spelling, by the way!) was the name of a prominent soldier of Spanish descent. Cortés whose other name is Hernán, was famed for being a battle-hardened soldier who led conquests of territories for the Hispanic Mornachy.

Hernán Cortés

The other mystery I unearthed was that the valley in which I had found (Cortés’) soldiers was what’s called the ‘The Valley of Mexico’. This, at the time, was the centre of civilization and a stronghold of an empire called ‘Aztec’.

This valley—present day Mexico City— is the place that Cortés and his soldiers faced the most resistance against an oppressive Aztec regime. And it’s especially for his capturing of it, in 1521, that he’s mostly known. Weird and unreal as it will probably sound, the battle that led to the overthrow of the Aztec Empire lasted 3 months!

Mexico City

To this day, this, without question, is by far one of the most beyond-belief experiences I’ve had, particularly for someone who’s not a history scholar!

Ron Mallett, an American Astrophysicist and Cosmologist, mostly known for his devotion towards studying time travel, has been at it for decades and is quite convinced that he’s on the verge of interfacing with people and events from the past, purely by scientific means.

Time travel, in philosophy, is an arbitrary concept that has for long been a fascination to scholars. However, that’s where it all ends; at theoretical physics!

Contacting events and personalities in the past or future, outside the commonly known sense of time, is really beyond the scope of science. It’s a phenomenon that can only be supported by a framework that is mystical, and found in the realm of the Spirit—not bound by time or space. Therefore, it’s plausible to say that your spirit is the ultimate time machine!

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