
Music Review

Music Review, Satire, Travel and Culture

Christmas Then and Now!

I’m not sure if in those days we were just misers, lazy, or maybe fancy decor ornaments simply didn’t exist yet, but our creative minds thought it smart to always use toilet paper in the place of ribbons! And, yep, there was a well-furnished supply of colorful rolls! So, you had linings of white, pink, green and blue toilet paper hanging from the ceiling all over the living room. For using toilet paper, I honestly wouldn’t blame you for thinking that was some shitty decor! But, hey, we didn’t seem to have issues with it, and neither did our guests. To all that, add a ton of twinkly lights, latex balloons and, mehn!—the strong scent that emerged from the house was nothing short of pure Christmas!

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Music Review, People

Joseph Sax: Music That Soothes The Soul.

While attending class one day, he receives a phone call from Godfrey who asked him if he could make it to the Firebase studios later that night to record a tune for an ad that required a saxophone line. “When I got there, it wasn’t an ad. It was a song!” Joseph recounts. The song was called For better, For worse by Bobi Wine. Star struck, this was the day he met Bobi Wine for the first time.

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Music Review, Satire

The Legend Of Kenzo!

The composers that originated from the past generation had a quality of music whose lyrical content was such a treasure trove of information and wisdom to guide, uplift and edify. To that, they often added sensational instrumentation textures and a delivery that appeared effortless yet, in overall summation, carried a blanketing atmosphere rich enough to engulf the listener; taking them to a place of contemplative meditation and euphoric ecstasy.

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Music Review

Greater Love

Whereas the instrumentation and rhythm in the opening seconds are somewhat reminiscent of a favorite pop classic of Sade’s from the 1980’s; a wonderful blend of the tenor and alto in the fourth minute of Greater Love results in an explosion of pleasurable listening experience to climax this enchanting piece of music. And just like that, 4 minutes came and went!

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Music Review

Fresh Sounds From Zoe Melodies

If you had trouble coming across a well-arranged piece of music with great vibe and powerful lyrical references to the societal distortions that characterized the year 2020 eventually spilling into 2021, this might be the hit you were looking for.

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