

Music Review, Satire

The legend of Kenzo!

The composers that originated from the past generation had a quality of music whose lyrical content was such a treasure trove of information and wisdom to guide, uplift and edify. To that, they often added sensational instrumentation textures and a delivery that appeared effortless yet, in overall summation, carried a blanketing atmosphere rich enough to engulf the listener; taking them to a place of contemplative meditation and euphoric ecstasy.

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Tracing the road to hell!

In this game, you emerge winner only and only if at the end of the day your vehicle’s suspension didn’t get wrecked. Or, if you didn’t meet and greet an on-coming car, head-on. Or, if you were lucky enough not to miscalculate and plunge into a roadside trench along with the Boda-Boda rider you ploughed into. Or all of the above!

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The cost of unhealthy relationships!

That said, as a rule of thumb, whenever insects are dragged into any discourse in Uganda, it’s important to realize that money has either changed hands or is about to! Explains why when the story about some lad selling grasshoppers on an airplane emerged, my suspicions quickly heightened. In this nature of situation, the insects are usually scapegoats! Never mind the irony!

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Let’s meet at Shoprite!

Finally, your nostrils drag you to the pastries and freshly-prepared foods area. In a short while, you’ll discover that this section is nothing more than a trap! You’re not hungry, but I can assure you, by the time you step out of Shoprite, you’ll be carrying two bags filled with all sorts of ready-to-eat food!

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Extreme Tourism in your backyard!

However, before you hop onto that airplane—good luck finding a direct flight to Kabul—you’re encouraged to meet up with your insurer. Dare not consider leaving that meeting before signing up for the K&R insurance package. That’s Kidnap and Ransom! And here’s why:

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Kathleen did a Noble thing!

Only a Noble heart could have this kind of daring gut; representing a country where arts and sports are covered in dirt. Where, if not alert, you get dragged into every spat. Just for that, she deserved a huge pat, and a cowboy hat, right from the very start!

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In Uganda, we run!

We run out of fuel for our planes. We keep borrowing and run further into debt. We run the economy into the ground. The Banks run after us cos we defaulted on our loans. We run against corruption while running towards it. We run 70% out of MBs before we even load the MBs!

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Mandatory isolation for the animals as well

For all we know, there might be more variants in the world than number of Ugandan MPs. It’s now almost like a variants race [see ‘arms race’]; and you get the sense that every country is as though striving to be perceived as the one with the most powerful mutation of the virus. “Hey! Our variant is deadlier. And copyrighted! Get your own!” India yells at America.

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Satire, Travel and Culture

The fundamentals of Kigali

Problem is, nearly everyone that passes you looks like the girl in gold and blue. Seems like a wonderful problem to have, but being new to the culture, you’re quite cautious whom and how you ask for directions—what if she screams and people think you’re harassing the girl! The last thing you want (at least not yet!) is to behold the Heavens opened and the Son of man standing at the right hand of God!

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Until we meat again, Goatie!

With his ribs and side already thoroughly tenderized from that massive blow, just a little spice for treatment and Goatie will be cremated on the grill. He will thereafter receive a befitting send off accompanied with a glass of buttery wine.

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