"The beauty of the world lies in the diversity of its people."

The behavioral patterns of the human race are greatly influenced by the traits that the people have adopted, subconsciously or otherwise, from their surroundings. That's culture!

The vast range of tribes, languages, social habits, art forms like music, dance, drama, and cuisine, are expressions of how extremely diversified our world is.


My name is Em.

I’m a writer, storyteller, and the author/editor of Tales by Em. You're about to be impacted with great thoughts and vibes through my writing on culture, travel, mysteries; as well as my opinions that are occasionally infused in satire. The perspectives that you'll come across here are my insights into what life is like in Uganda and beyond!

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"In our thoughts and words, we create our own weaknesses and our own strengths. Our limitations and joys begin in our hearts. We can always replace negative with positive."


Betty Eadie


The heartache of rallying behind African teams at global soccer tournaments

I strongly recommend you also buy yourself an original set of fake nails to use during the nail-biting penalty shootouts. Otherwise, after those extremely tense 10 minutes of penalty kicks, you might be shocked to find that not only are there no nails left on your fingers, but there are no fingers either! You nibbled on them! All you have left is your palms. So, now you even look like a leper.

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How Africa could snatch the world cup!

Overall, I sense that there’s more faith in our great leaders teaming up to pull this off and bring that trophy home, than there is in our African soccer boys outclassing the rest of the world to deliver the $20m trophy.

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People, Satire

Women are from Venus!

The natural order of de-escalating the situation is that you’ll talk things over and then get to that delicate point where you gently ask if she’s fine, seeing as you’ve ceased fire! If you dare approach this moment recklessly, brace yourself for an extended period of high-level tensions that are sure to rival the US-Soviet cold war of the 1940s.

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